By Marsha Brick
June and the warm weather are here. Restaurants have reopened, and things are coming back to the new normal.
I am currently looking for a place to display the Hypnos mattress. I spoke to a couple of people and have more I want to talk to. I will keep you informed.
My garden is done with maybe other things added later. I made dinner the other night for my daughter and myself, I decided to have a salad with dinner, went up to my balcony and picked the lettuce for the salad. Cannot beat the taste of fresh picked vegetables.
I have two areas where I have rhubarb. It has come in so great that we had to pick some. My friend who helps me with my garden took some home to make something special. One patch came from my neighbor across the street and the other came from my friend’s mom when she sold her house. She came and planted it so that her daughter and I would always have fresh rhubarb,
Last year‘s garden I had so many tomatoes at the end of the season that I had to freeze them. During the winter I made batches of tomato sauce. I opened my freezer downstairs and realized I still had lots of tomatoes left. I took out five bags to defrost to make some tomato sauce. When it came time to add the herbs, I went up to my balcony and cut off some fresh Basil, Parsley, Oregano and Thyme. The flavour from fresh herb is amazing.
Speaking about my balcony, I have an unwanted friend: the squirrel. The other night when I went to water the herbs and lettuce, I discovered the squirrel had dug into all my plants on the rail of the balcony. I had placed plastics owl in two of my planters as this was supposed to keep them away. I had people give me suggestions on how keep the squirrel away. The one I am now trying is putting plastic forks in the planter with points up all around the edges, so when he tries to get into the planter, he will get poked and go away.
Facebook Page: Marsha Brick’s Fine Furniture
Marsha Brick owns
Marsha Brick’s Fine Furniture
There is no association between Brick’s Fine Furniture and The Brick Warehouse