By Marsha Brick
Finally, we are outside enjoying the weather. Spring clean up of our yards is underway and it’s barbeque time. In the evening you can enjoy the aroma from neighbors cooking dinners outside.
Also garden time is around the corner. Decisions, decisions. What vegetables and herbs to plant in my garden; and which should I avoid. I like planting herbs as I enjoy cooking and use them all summer long. Another thing I enjoy making herb butters; you can either put them in the fridge or freeze them. I also like to plant lettuce, so great picked fresh for a salad; it has short season so I eat a lot salads during that time. I did discover that if romaine is cut at the base and left in the garden it will grow back.
Another vegetable I like to plant is cucumber. Just slice and eat. Another thing I do with cucumber and fresh dill is make tzatziki sauce; there are those that make it with yogurt I prefer
sour cream. Serve it with chicken souvlaki, and grilled pita that I make on the barbeque add some lemon roast potatoes and Greek salad and there is supper.
Throughout summer I make tomatoes sauces with a kitchen gadget that makes easy to do. It is like an old fashion meat grinder that attaches to the counter. You put the fresh tomatoes in quarters or halves, depending on the size, and crank the handle. The pulp and juice come out
leaving the skin and seeds behind. Good compost there. No need to blanched or peel the tomatoes so easy to make sauce all summer long; and of course I add in my fresh herbs the taste is so fresh.
Last year we planted more flowers to attract bees. It worked. We had one of the best yields ever of tomatoes; I was giving them away to neighbors. Still planning what plants we are
going to be using. I have already brought carrot seeds in a seed tape and am eager to see how that goes. Let’s all enjoy the weather and have great spring.
Marsha Brick owns
Marsha Brick’s Fine Furniture