By Marsha Brick
Black Friday Sale is continuing. I have lots of accessories for your home décor and lots of end tables and mirrors to choose from. I am now in Osborne Village with free parking; no having to watch your time for the meters.
December is time to get ready for the holidays. There are a couple of customers that come by every year to bring baking, chocolates and beautiful cards. There was one that always brought something every year for my mom’s dog Daisy.
With the holidays around the corner many have guests coming to town. When they stay with you, how good is that bed in the spare bedroom? Maybe it’s time to replace that bedwith yours and get yourself a new mattress.
Hypnos Mattress are going to have a price increase later in the month and if you want one in time for the holidays you need order by December 10. This can be your holiday present to yourself.
I look forward to see family and friends, get together to and having dinners. My biggest problem that some day during the holiday I have 1 to 3 invitations on the same day. I try
to make to all events I am invited to. It’s a juggling act to come early to one and late to another. There is always food and the host always wants me to try something special
they have made. By the time I get home at night I am stuffed; but I had great time, wonderful
company and delicious food. With being invited to all these events, I am cooking and baking for some; others I bring chocolate and wine.
When my immediate family gets together we bring present for the littlest kids; my nephews Gavin and Aiden love cars and truck or Lego. I remember when I was little and I would get present it was girl stuff like easy bake oven (which I loved), my brothers would get Lego. After my brothers went to sleep I would go and play with their Lego; it was fun.
Marsha Brick owns
Marsha Brick’s Fine Furniture
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